Monday, September 26, 2011

RGB LED Lights Ignite Tunnel

The Tunnel of Questionable Enlightenment is an amazing interactive RGB LED art project displayed at Burning Man 2011.

The artists erected 100 7.25-foot tall steel arches lined with 6400 color-changing LED strip lights in the shape of a question mark. Participants walked through the arches and when reaching the end, come upon four large wheels. Spinning the wheels allowed participants to control different aspects of the LED strips’ lighting: lumens, speed, pattern and color. This interactive element gave participants a chance to affect the experience of people walking through the tunnel after them.

The purpose of this project was to encourage participants to think about the spontaneous and unknown aspects of life. The artists write, “We don’t always know where we are going, or even perhaps, from where we have come. The path is unclear, yet at times the insights along the way are profound. Our environment colors our perception, and our perception in turn illuminates the path. Others who have navigated this questionable transformation are there to help us along our way, and in turn we assist those that are waiting in the dark dusty alcove inside.”

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