Wednesday, June 29, 2011

IMRE and the University of Michigan Announces Breakthrough on OLED External Quantum Efficiency

Reportedly, Researchers from IMRE, a research institute of Singapore's Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), and the University of Michigan, US have turned out that the efficiency of fluorescent blue OLED devices can reach 9.4%, trumping the current theoretical limit for OLED external quantum efficiency (EQE) by nearly two-fold.

This breakthrough has overcome the weakness of the blue emitters on short lifetime and poor colour quality, and it is likely to make OLED displays the
next wave in consumer displays.

By changing the thickness of the light emitting layer and optimising the concentration of light emitting material in the same layer, the researchers double the OLED efficiency from the current maximum 5% EQE.

This breakthrough enable manufacturers of full colour OLED displays to make devices that have significantly longer lifetime, consume less power and more importantly, can emit pure, and brighter blue light that will give more life-like colours to OLED displays compared to LCDs and LEDs.

In addition, the material is also solution-processable making it easy to manufacture and cost-effective. This could greatly enhance the attractiveness of OLED displays in the consumer market.

Source: LED Inside

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